NOTICE - We apologize for any confusion about mailing out the newsletters! We no longer send newsletters by snail mail. Unfortunately, when we set up this archive, we scanned all the old newsletters "as is" because going in and deleting every place where we invited people to subscribe would make us even crazier than we are—and seriously, no one wants that! We would be happy to put you on our email list for updates on new publications from Jaki and Lynne. Just send an email to murraymade@yahoo.com. What Is the Mutual Admiration from the Asylum Department? Where did the MAADness begin, and who are the MAADwomen? If you wonder how Jaqueline Girdner (aka Claire Daniels) and Lynne Murray became the MAADwomen, and what happens in the Mutual Admiration from the Asylum Department, you might want to look at our newsletters -- archived for your pleasure here on this site. We've also issued MAADmoney -- see below.
What's it good for? Not much! But you can put it in your wallet for the real money to laugh at. Keep your money happy, and it will always treat you right. We've been sharing our MAADness in the form of newsletters since 1996, but we're going to have to stop going postal. We'll still be available on our websites, through our Tickle Sisters reminders and tips for writers, and we'll leave the archives here for your reading MAADness. Happy trails, and we hope to see you online and between the covers -- the book covers, that is! To learn more about-- Jaki Girdner's Kate Jasper books, her website is at http://www.maadwomen.com/jakigirdner/ Lynne Murray's Josephine Fuller books are at her website at lmurray.com And a site for devoted to Jaki's nom de plume, Claire Daniels, and the Cally Lazar series, is available at http://www.maadwomen.com/clairedaniels/
Newsletter Archive:
All content © 2002-07 by Lynne Murray and Jaqueline Girdner. Web site by interbridge. |